What I Learned in 2014

Hello! It’s been a long time, folks. I admit, keeping up with this blog hasn’t been a priority lately, but since I got a schnazzy new laptop for Christmas I might as well give it a go.

I know these reflective posts pop up everywhere from Buzzfeed to the New Yorker, but even if no one reads this, I’ll know that it’s been said, expressed, put out into the universe.

So without further ado, here’s my obligatory 2014 reflective list. (more…)

13 Things I (re)Learned in 2013

Yes, go ahead and roll your eyes. Most of you will stumble on after seeing the heading. Everyone has an end of year list. Of course people use the excuse of a year-end to look forward to a new beginning. These are true – but how often can one justifiably publicly self-reflect about the actions of the past year? Not very often. So here it is. Here I am:

Totally a princess. Clearly.

Totally a princess. Clearly.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Let us eat, drink, and be merry surrounded by those we love and cherish the most. Thank you for this life, this body, this mind, this family, this roof over my head, and this food in my belly. I give gratitude to all of those in my life and all that surrounds me! Have a beautiful day and practice aloha!

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Positivity, Happiness, and Aloha!

I firmly believe positive things happen to positive people. However, maintaining a positive mindset is not always easy. To supplement my mental positivity, I try to do good deeds, be kind to others, and express gratitude. Doing all of this will make you happy – don’t believe me? Watch this:


Be Kind to Each Other.

Today’s post will be short and sweet. I’m not sure if you’ve seen or heard about this story, but it broke my heart. His twin sister is teased in school. He selflessly asks Santa to make his sister happy in exchange for his Christmas wish list. How many of you would do that?


My challenge for the day is to be kind to each other. Have gratitude. Show appreciation. Be nice. Pay a compliment. Practice Aloha. Please. Do it for this little girl. Do it for all the kids who are teased everyday, those who feel like they aren’t good enough, the ones who struggle with being different, those shunned from society, discriminated against, hated. Do it for yourself.