Alooooooooooooooha! I love short work weeks. It’s like you have more motivation to be a good employee because you’ve (a) been away from work for more than 2 days and (b) the weekend is already a day closer to being here! Since summer is upon us, the days are getting longer giving you the feeling that you actually have more time to enjoy your day despite the obviousness that you must be asleep by 10pm to wake up like a functioning human-being at 6am the next day. No? Just me? Alright then. In that case, here’s to making daily tasks easier so you can at least enjoy a few minutes of the longer, lighter evening.
Monthly Archives: May 2013
Paleo-Friendly Meals: Homemade Taco Seasoning!
I feel like I’m getting good at planning and making my Paleo lunches for the workweek! No longer does Sunday appear as a daunting tower of endless to-dos striking fear into the hearts of procrastinators across the universe. With some planning and a little organization, Sundays can now run smoothly and even leave me with some time to relax.
Paleo-Friendly Meals: Pineapple Coconut Coleslaw
Happy Memorial Day weekend! On a long weekend full of BBQs and fun, I have the EASIEST side dish for you to bring to a get together or carry right out into your backyard!
Paleo-Friendly Meals: Mexican Braised Beef
My Paleo journey has been very challenging since I’ve started my full-time job. Work-week lunches have become all about planning!
The Meaning of Aloha
I’ve had a really fantastic day so far and I wanted to spread some of my positive energy out there to anyone who could use a little aloha.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Make some time for your Mom today and let her know how much you appreciate her!
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Happy Cinco de Mayo! After an eventful Star Wars Day (May the fourth be with you!), are you ready to have a fiesta?
Paleo-Friendly Meals: Meatballs in Marinara
Still in search of Paleo lunch ideas? Here’s another one that you can make ahead and will last you at least a week!

Meatballs in Marinara over Sauteed Zucchini