Monday Morning Affirmations – Because it feels good!

Good Morning! I know you had a wonderful weekend and that today is only Monday – but look at it this way: It’s a new week – a fresh start! So make it the best week of your life! Aloha!ecc4a9180f186f9871cb72ab3f351dc4 (more…)

Monday Morning Affirmations – Because it feels good!

Hey good lookin’ 😉

Have an aloha-filled, smile-inducing, laughter-ridden, heart-fluttering day! Practice Aloha, make someone smile, and you’re heart will be light.

Monday Morning Affirmations - Because it feels good! (more…)

Monday Morning Affirmations – Because it feels good!

Happy Monday! Let yourself bask in the wonder of being alive. Have an amazing day and live Aloha!
Monday Morning Affirmations - Because it feels good! (more…)

Monday Morning Affirmations – Because it feels good!

Good Morning! Here we are, on a beautiful morning in mid-June – and do you know what I want to do? Make you smile 🙂 Have an amazing day, make the most of it and don’t forget to infuse just a touch of Aloha into your day, your attitude, and you life. Have a great one!
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Monday (Afternoon) Affirmations

Good afternoon, lovelies! Yes, yes, I haven’t been posting much lately, but I have a good excuse! I was vacationing in the loveliest place on earth – Disney World! And to welcome me back to the cold chill of New Jersey is a respiratory infection. JOY. So to pick my self back up as I medicate, here are your Monday AFTERNOON affirmations! Have a lovely evening and Aloooha!

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