Monday Morning Affirmations – Because it feels good!

Good Morning, my lovelies. I know, I know – it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted something fresh, but a new router is on the way and *hopefully* my internet will be back and better than ever! As an apology, I present you with these Skeletor Affirmations inspired by my fab friend at Have a lovely day and stay positive!

1 But wait, there’s more!

Monday (Afternoon) Affirmations

Good afternoon, lovelies! Yes, yes, I haven’t been posting much lately, but I have a good excuse! I was vacationing in the loveliest place on earth – Disney World! And to welcome me back to the cold chill of New Jersey is a respiratory infection. JOY. So to pick my self back up as I medicate, here are your Monday AFTERNOON affirmations! Have a lovely evening and Aloooha!

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