Paleo-Friendly Meals: Veggie Detox Soup

Summer is coming to an end and in a strike of irony, I feel the need to start cutting back my cheating in anticipation of autumn’s approach. While most people are going crazy to maintain their summer beach bodies and eating less, my summer is defined by cheat days down at the boardwalk indulging in all that is fried and covered in cheese.
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Paleo-Friendly Meals: Lemon Grilled Chicken

We have been having some odd weather over the last week – even though it is still August, fall is definitely coming! The days are hot and humid, but the nights have been cool and beautiful. Don’t get me wrong, I love the summer, but these slight reminders of fall have really gotten me in the mood for falling leaves and pumpkin pie! So to maintain my summer-state-of-mind, here’s another grill recipe that is sure to please!
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Paleo-Friendly Meals: Easy Grilled Shrimp

It has been so brutally hot lately, cooking has been almost out of the question. The sensation of walking into a perfectly air-conditioned house from the stiflingly thick summer air is one of the best feelings in the world. What can ruin that wondrousness? A hot kitchen eating up all of my cool air.

This may be true, but I'd prefer my fat not to cry while I enjoy the AC after work.

This may be true, but I’d prefer my fat not to cry while I enjoy the AC after work.
